Comite Diversion Canal Task Force Chairwoman
Worked extensively with Congressman Garret Graves and the Corps of Engineers as chairwoman since 2014 to get the CRDC back on track after it was abandoned. Project is set to be completed by 2025.
Passed legislation to allow cleaning and dredging of Amite and Comite Rivers to prevent flooding.
2018 Revised statewide floodplain management plan.
Preliminary studies on reservoirs in Amite River Basin to prevent flooding.
Valarie Hodges – Getting Important Bills Passed in the 2023 Legislature
HB 86 – Protect Teachers Act
Provides immunity from civil liability and criminal prosecution of a public school teacher, principal, or administrator for intervening to protect a student or school employee from a battery or aggravated battery.
HB 68 – Bible Class Taught in Public Schools
Authorizes an elective course on the history and literature of the Bible to be offered in public high schools.
HB 537 – Protect Louisiana Land from Foreign Adversaries
Prohibits the purchase, lease, or otherwise acquisition of immovable property by foreign adversaries or persons connected with a foreign adversary.
HB 628 – More Oversight for Selection of Livingston Library Board Members
Requires the governing authority of Livingston Parish to increase the membership of the Livingston Parish Library Board of Control from seven to nine members.
HR 290 – Flood Control
Urges and requests DOTD to evaluate the upper Amite River Basin to detain and retain stormwater runoff through a system of structures.​

About Valarie Hodges
Valarie Hodges, State Representative, was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 2011 to serve the constituents of District 64 and is currently serving her third term. She is a strong and steadfast voice fearlessly advocating for her district, small-government conservatism, and traditional family values.
As the only true Conservative in the race for Senate, I will continually fight for our Christian, Conservative Values to protect our children, families and businesses.

Committees, Caucuses,
& Delegations
Administration of Criminal Justice Committee
Civil Law and Procedure Committee
Labor and Industrial Relations Committee
House Select Committee on Homeland Security
House Select Committee on Women and Children
House Select Leadership Committee
Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, Interim Member
Capital Region Legislative Delegation
Louisiana Legislative Women's Caucus
Louisiana Republican Legislative Delegation
Louisiana Rural Caucus
Louisiana Conservative Caucus
Louisiana Freedom Caucus